Great Health Naturally

Have More Energy. Less Stress.


Imagine your life as you want it to be.

You’re feeling healthy, strong and well. 

You’re eating delicious foods that really support your body and the life you want to live. You’re able to do all the things you enjoy and want to do.

It wonderful! And it’s possible for you right now.



You can call me Lisa, everyone does!

I’d like to help you create a healthy life you love. 

I’m a health coach specializing in helping clients make simple, effective lifestyle changes to reduce stress, increase energy and enhance gut microbiome health to promote overall wellbeing. Through eating healthy natural foods of your choice and positive supportive lifestyle habits you can enjoy life the way you want it to be.


It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated.

I’ll show you how in simple, easy and practical  ways that work for you.

Eating Naturally

Being well begins with what you eat.

Eating well may be the single most important thing that you can do to improve your health. The challenge is many of the foods we used to consider “healthy” have been found to be highly inflammatory and not really good for us.


How do we tell what’s good for us and what’s not?

Starting right where you are, I can show you how to eat more healthfully and in rhythm with your body’s needs without dieting.

It’s time to return to a simpler, more natural way of eating.

Yet another diet is not the answer. Eating foods that support your body

and mind is.

How would it feel for you to:
        • Increase your energy.
        • Release weight.
        • Build muscle.
        • Regulate your metabolism.
        • Balance blood sugar.
        • Lower blood pressure.
        • Feel less stressed.
        • Be more alert and focused.

These are the kinds of improvements that people report in their lives just by shifting the way they eat to whole, natural, unprocessed foods.

How about you?


How Would You Like to Feel?

What would it take for you to feel good? I mean really good!

Think about the kind of results you’d like to create in your health and your life. I’ll bet some of the things that come to mind are:


    • Having more energy.
    • Sleeping better and feeling less tired.
    • Eating foods you really enjoy that are actually good for you.    
    • Experiencing less stress and being more relaxed.
    • Feeling strong, fit and comfortable in your body.

Simple, Effective Lifestyle Change

Healthy lifestyle choices don’t have to be

difficult, confusing or complicated.


There are all kinds of ways to simplify your choices and create habits that truly support you. Each of us are unique individuals.

Different things work for different people.


I can help you understand and apply options that support you

in finding what works in your own life to achieve the results you

most desire. Let’s discover what works for you!

Behavior Change Can Be Challenging

It’s not just knowing what to do that creates change.

  It’s getting ourselves to consistently take action.


It can be challenging to keep yourself motivated and on track with your goals. Even when you know what to do, one of the hardest things for anyone is to consistently take positive action to move in the direction you want to go. You start out with the best of intentions, but can find it difficult to keep going with the same enthusiasm you had at the beginning.


Sometimes the changes you want to make are a matter of simple tweaks or adjustments in the way you’ve been doing things. Other times it may be a new way of thinking about an issue you’ve felt challenged with in the past.


Working together, you’ll come to understand and choose your own next right steps depending on your individual needs and unique situation.



Free E-Book


Simple Self-Care

Ways to Feel Better Every Day

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